Ph 8842 1677  |  BOOK NOW

Mid North Community Passenger Network

Essential travel options for the entire community. We will get you there with care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone can use the Passenger Network services. Persons of any age, mobility requirements, or cultural group are welcome to use our services for medical or other essential travel needs.

There is no restriction, if the person is under 12 years old they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

To access the service you need to complete the following steps:
  1. Register as a client here. Returning clients do not need to register.
  2. Book a trip here

Alternatively you can call 8842 1677 and we will book your trip over the phone.

Priority for the network is medical & specialist appointments, if the cars are available we can also help with essential shopping and social travel. 

The only animals allowed to travel are guide dogs or helper animals (Registration must be proved).

Our services are powered by volunteer drivers. So the cost only covers the running and maintenance of the vehicles. 

The cost of travel is determined by the distance. You can find more information about travel cost by visiting community car page or community bus page. 

We have volunteer drivers who are fully accredited and cleared. They also have received first aid, CPR and defibrillator training

No, due to insurance purposes we use our own network cars.

Please give us as much notice as possible, this gives us time to organize a volunteer driver. A minimum of 2 days is required.

Yes if you require a carer to come with you. They travel at no charge. Please let us know when making the booking.

Yes the network has a wheelchair access vehicle based available. 

Community bus travels to multiple pick up locations and multiple appointment locations in a single day. 

The safety of our clients and volunteer drivers is priority. Due to the long distances we travel we have a duty of care to ensure that you are returned safely from your appointment without having the risk of fatigue and a potential accident.

Yes, however some restrictions apply.